Daily Archives: November 1, 2010

OpenStack Design Summit Business Track

I am pleased to announce the Design Summit Business Track held on Day 1 and 2 of the event next week. The Technical Track is being developed by the development community and will be run real-time at the event itself. Please note that last minute changes can and do occur with any event schedule so please understand that this plan is as close to final as possible.

Event registration is still open at http://openstack.org/register.

DAY 1 MORNING : General Session

General Session: The summit opening presentations provide a high level overview of the  OpenStack project from the Chief Stacker as well as the latest insight from Rackspace and NASA on their contributions and plans. It is also a pleasure to welcome Joe Tobolski to  present his views on the impact of OpenStack on enterprise computing. Finally, Jonathan Bryce offers insight into the Architecture Board, its new members, and role within  the OpenStack community. Welcome to OpenStack Design Summit and please be sure to take advantage of all the networking opportunities as well as sessions planned for your benefit.
